...bizarre words that begin with the letter H
I could go on about one particular word, but there are so many cool (and unusual) words that begin with the letter H!
Here are a few that caught my fancy, struck my eye!
The Century Plant |
hapaxanthous flowering only once
hebetic of, like or pertaining to puberty& hebetude stupidity I think this is PERFECT for teenagers!
heyday expression of elation or wonder
hippocras medieval hot spiced wine
hippodamist horse-tamer
hircismus stinky armpits
Scottish New Year Cakes |
hogmanay gift or cake made on New Year's Eve
homichlophobia fear of fog Not good if you live in the Pacific Northwest!
honorificabilitudinity honourableness (Just so cool looking!)
hoyden tomboy
huggery the action of hugging Everyone needs more huggery in their lives!
hustle lively disco dance derived from swing elements with a plus-like pattern Is it considered a flash mob if it's performed by inmates?!?
hwyl emotional state capable of arousing intense eloquence
hyetal rainy; of, like or pertaining to rainfall
hygeiolatry excessive devotion to health
hygrophilous preferring or living where there is an abundance of moisture
hylogenesis the origin of matter
The Pantheon, Rome |
hypaethral roofless; open to the sky
hypergamy marriage of a man to a woman of lower status
hyperhidrosis excessive sweating
hypnoetic of, like or pertaining to unconscious logical thought
hypnomogia insomnia
hypobulic weak-willed; lacking willpower
hypophrenia weakness of mental facilities
hypotrichosis hairlessness
And, for my dear daughter, who sometimes struggles with her heavy-framed glasses!
What is a Hipster? |
A to Z Challenge 2013! Check out my other entries here!