
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Top Ten 2014 Summer Reading

Wow...Have I ever been absent!  First year teacher (in 10 years!) kind of put a kink in the works.  But guess what?!? 
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So...what does one do when they have Summer Vacay?!  READ! 
 Here's what is on my LIST for Summer 2014!

1. The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller - Title too cute to pass up!  Looks awesome!

2.  The One by Kiera Cass - What will America do?  Will she choose Maxon or Aspen?!

3.  Possession by A.S. Byatt - OMG - this has been on my shelf WAY too looongg!

4.  Skinny B*tch Gets Hitched by Kim Barnouin - Love the title - never read any of the others, but this looks great!

5.  My Summer in Europe by Marilyn Bryant - I miss Europe - this might be the perfect fix!

6.  The Cupcake Queen by Heather Helper - How doesn't love a good cupcake... I do and hope that this book has something about cupcakes in it!

7.  Keep Your Mouth Shut and Wear Beige by Kathleen Gilles Seidel - Funny title, and also is for one of my bookish challenges!

8.  The Orchid Affair by Lauren Willig - Delivered and Signed by author... and I want to see what's happening with Eloise!

9.  Attempting Elizabeth by Jessica Grey - Long ago, under a dark England sky, I read the Short for this in the Jane Austen-esque contest.  It is now a full fledged story and I can't wait to read it!

10.  Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - the ONLY Jane Austen I have not yet read!

What's on your list?  Would love to hear about it!

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